Making donations is easy!

GraceWay Chinese-English Christian Academy is a 501(c)3 non-profit private school that accepts tax deductible donations from individuals or organizations that share the vision and passion for building a Christian school to enable our next generation to be God honoring and academically strong.

Please send an email to first to inform the school staff regarding your interest in making a donation. Donations can then be submitted with either a personal check or cashier's check payable to GraceWay CECA . Please be sure to include the following information with your donation check :

Your name and address

Donation Amount (in US $)

Your email address


US Postal mail TO:

GraceWay CECA

P.O. Box 131358, Roseville, MN 55113

A confirmation email will be sent to you at the email address provided when the check is received by GraceWay.  An Annual Giving Statement will be emailed to you for your tax preparation at the beginning of next year.

We are not supporting any type of online transaction (such as credit card payment or PayPal) at this time.